Littleover Community School

BBC News School Report @ LCS

By: Nathan

nearly 50, 000 people die each year unnecessarily through air pollution. Health costs to society as a result of pollution could be equal to those dealing with alcohol abuse.

What is causing this? PM2.5 is not the only form of air pollution – in fact there are many – but it is responsible for the greatest number of deaths worldwide. Another notable killer is NO2 – now notorious because of VW’s scandalous attempt to rig its emissions reporting. In Europe, high-NO2 emitting diesel cars became prevalent after a huge subsidy programme. In London, this pollutant kills more people than PM2.5. In the city centre, where the iconic (diesel-powered) red buses queue, Oxford Street has been named the most polluted street on earth when it comes to this particular nasty.

What is pm2.5? PM2.5), meaning particle matter 2.5, are 2.5 micrometres in diameter or smaller, and can only be seen with an electron microscope. These monoxic particles are produced from all types of combustion, including motor vehicles, power plants, residential wood burning, forest fires, agricultural burning, and some industrial processes

What is no-2? NO2 is one component of the complex mixture of different pollutants found in ambient air. Ambient meaning surrounding environmental conditions such as temperature or noise. It happens in most urban locations, and produced by motor vehicles, making it a strong indicator of vehicle emissions.

Where is the most polluted place? The silver lining to Delhi’s smog is that the stigma is forcing politicians to act. The government is seeking to introduce tougher regulations on vehicle makers and build a bypass around the city. In China, a recent poll found 94% of adults believe air pollution is a problem the government should prioritise before other things. As a result, substantial action has already been taken. The Beijing government has launched a programme of alternate driving days based on licence plate numbers and mass coal plant shutdowns are under way.

Why did pollution start? Pollution started because there was nowhere for the waste to be kept so people of the earth decided to disperse the waste into a large area called the sea. This was during the Industrial Revolution where lakes and rivers where contaminated with toxic chemicals

Facts! • Pollution is one of the biggest killers, affecting more than 100 million worldwide • More than 1 billion people worldwide don’t have access to drinking water • 5000 people die every day as a result of drinking bacteria filled water. • Pollution kills more than 1 million seabirds and 100 million mammals every year. • People who live in high-density air pollution area, have 20% higher risk of dying from lung cancer, than people living in less polluted areas.