Littleover Community School

BBC Young Reporter @ LCS

Did You Know There Were This Many Species of Spider?

By: Harrison

In total there are 45,000 known spider species in the world and my adventure today is to tell you the craziest and about their crazy abilities.

The first species is, the Diving bell spider which can create air bubbles to breathe underwater. Measuring at only 0.4 to 0.6 inches it can create a bubble to supply it for a day.

The next species is the peacock spider which dances to attract possible mates they can grow to 0.3 inches and have a colourful bottom.

After this we have the most venomous spider, the black widow spider, it may look insignificant, but inside its fangs is the venom which can kill you in a short time of 30-40 minutes.

There are a lot more species of spiders that are wacky but the wackiest has got to be the Goliath bird eating spider which, surprise, surprise can eat birds as a part of its diet and is the size of a puppy (30 centimetres) and weighs about 6 ounces.

But don’t worry only one species of these spiders are found in Europe and that is the diving bell spider and that doesn’t have any effects on humans except for its slightly painful bite.