Careers Resources
Click any of the headings below to find out more information.
Start in D2N2 (inc. Derby)
This free site provides careers information for young people, families and school staff and brings many of the city’s careers resources into one place as your single point of contact for skills and careers in Derby
Labour Market Information
Careerometer - Live Labour Market Job Information
You can access information about the labout market in the UK at the LMI For All Website or use the widgets below to find out information on prospective careers.
External Providers and Alumni - Deliver Information to LCS Students
Are You Willing To Inspire And Motivate Students At LCS?
We would like to invite employers & volunteers to engage with our students and help us to deliver worthwhile, relevant experiences involving careers education and help promote work readiness.
Our students and teachers really appreciate learning first-hand about the skills and attributes that employers value and the attributes used in the world of work.
Now more than ever, we will be very grateful of any time you can give!
If you feel you have the time, enthusiasm and expertise to help our young people or would like more information please fill in our online registration form.
Register to Help
Typical Programme of Activities
Provider Access
The school's Careers Education, Information and Guidance Policy can be found on the main school website under School > Policies.
Safeguarding and Visitor Protocol
Visitors to LCS are recommended to read the school Safeguarding and Visitor protocol before arriving.
Many of our volunteer employers are parents or past students of the school, who have joined the LCS Alumni group. If you are an ex-student and you haven’t yet joined the Alumni, please do follow the link below so we can keep in touch with you about events and opportunities that you may wish to get involved in.
Data Protection
The school data protection page, including how the information retained with regards to our volunteers is used, can be found using the link below:
Contact the Careers Lead
The Careers Lead at LCS is Sam Thomas, if you wish to get in touch directly you can do so via the school email address
Careers Video Resources
LCS Careers Videos
LCS has a selection of Careers resource videos which students can view. Students will need to log in to view the videos using their school email address and password.
External Careers Videos
LCS Careers Library
All students have access to up-to-date and comprehensive careers material in the Careers Library which is located in S16.
The Careers Library is open and staffed during lunch times on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Students are able to seek impartial advice and receive guidance from experienced and trained personnel. No appointment is necessary. Referrals and self-referrals can be made here for one-to-one careers interviews and support.
Many of the "Be Inspired" careers talks are held in the LCS Careers Library over lunchtimes. These are advertised in advance to all students.
For any further enquiry, contact the PSHE/Citizenship department at the school.
Get Ahead
Get Ahead Information Evening Presentation
The Get Ahead information evening aims to prepare parents and carer of Year 9 and 10 students for the careers education process at LCS.
You can download a copy of the most recent presentation slides below:
Post 16/Post 18 Pathways
- Post-16 Introduction Presentation - A Post 16 Guidance Presentation for Parents/Carers of Year 11 students. General options information for Post 16 and beyond.
After you have viewed the Post 16 Introduction Presentation, click a link below to navigate to the specific pathway information you require.
- Apprenticeships, Local Training Providers and Connexions Service
- College
- Sixth Form
- Luminate and Careers Derby
- School Toolkit Post 16
Apprenticeships, Local Training Providers and Connexions Service
Apprenticeships offer a great alternative to full time higher education, allowing you to learn a trade whilst earning money.
There are local Training Providers who can help young people connect to specific apprenticeships. Click the image below:
The National Apprenticeship Week runs every year, but the associated useful resources, learning opportunities, interview and events are not confined to just that one week. The published date is rather a 'launch' for these opportunities. It is worth checking the site on an ongoing basis and linking to their social media if you are interested.
Use the resources below to find out more:
- National Apprenticeship Week 2023
- National Careers Service - Traineeships
Apprenticeships Presentation 2023
Download a copy of the Apprenticeships Presentation from the LCS Post-16 Information Evening:
For more general information and advice regarding apprenticeships, view the video below from the National Apprenticeship Service.
Introduction to Apprenticeships
The nearest Further Education Colleges to our school geographically are Derby College and Burton & SouthEast Derbyshire College. Their links are provided below. Both Colleges accept online applications.
Many of our students choose to attend Colleges further away - Chesterfield, Nottingham. Courses can be researched by students easily using their Unifrog tools. Every student is registered to have a Unifrog account from Year 7 upwards. Parents can also use Unifrog. See the separate information drop-down page within Student/Parent Resources.
- Derby College - - [Prospectus] - [Youtube] - [Presentation - Sept 2023]
- Burton and South Derbyshire College -
- For more information about the new T-level course please visit:
Sixth Form
Choosing a Sixth Form
Advice regarding choosing a sixth form from Mr Archer, head of LCS Sixth Form.
Luminate and Careers Derby
At LCS as well as Unifrog, we buy in expertise from Luminate Careers and Coaching and arrange for an independent, impartial, level 6 qualified Careers Guidance Advisor to be available for students.
Students may 'self-refer' for sessions with the Advisor by contacting Miss Came, Careers Lead, but students are also targeted for guidance sessions by our Department.
Luminate's website has a really good resource page which they are happy to share with you. When you click on the link, scroll towards the bottom of the page for all sorts of useful documents, websites etc. Specifically, there are two parts particularly relevant to the content of options (and there are links specifically to help/advise parents). Please look for the following links:
Careers Derby
There are also some really interesting useful Careers videos on this recently created Careers Derby Youtube channel that both parents and students will find helpful at different stages of need.
Student Careers Entitlement
The document below contains an outline of you can expect to experience in your careers education each year to help prepare you for the future world of work
What are Unifrog and Kudos?
These are two subscribed services that are available to our students and to their parents who want to support their child’s careers education.
Kudos is formally introduced to students during the Year 9 careers programme, although this may be encouraged for students to use as early as Year 7 for those who show a particular interest.
To find out more information about Kudos, click the link below, then click on the pink tab "What is Kudos?".
Unifrog is formally introduced to students from Year 7 upwards as part of careers programme. The platform is very extensive and detailed, so we introduce this in a timely and relevant way through careers lessons as students’ progress through each year.
Students are given means of accessing Unifrog through allocated unique log in / registration details. For further details, please ask your child about these. If you have any further questions, please contact the PSHE/Citizenship department at the school.
To find out more information about Unifrog, click the link below and click on the available links.
As parents, carers and guardians of students at our school you can also access Unifrog by setting up your own account. If you wish to do this, please view the information in the presentation below.
- Unifrog - Guide for Parents, Carers and Guardians (Adobe PDF)
- Unifrog For Parents (Youtube instruction video)
Work Experience
All students in Year 11 have the opportunity to attend a weeks Work Experience placement in the Autumn term (30th September – 4th October 2024).
Planning for this starts when students are in the summer term of Year 10.
Information about how to best support your child in gaining a suitable work experience placement is provided in links below.
Students, Parents/Carers and Employers will need to follow the school procedures to inform us of the placement and to ensure we can complete the relevant checks prior to confirming the placement. Only placements confirmed by the school can go ahead.
We use the Placement Tool on the online platform Unifrog. All students have a Unifrog log-in and are experienced in using this platform ( ).
Please watch the presentation and the help videos from Unifrog to understand how to set up a work experience placement and your role in providing school with the correct information to ensure a safe and suitable placement can go ahead.
Presentation to Parents
More information & support is provided in the documents and links below.
Contact Us
If you have any enquiries about the Work Experience programme then please do not hesitate to contact the careers team by emailing
The resources below are related to the work experience process.
- Letter to Parents re: Work Experience
- Information Required for Placement Tool
- Help video – Students – how to complete the initial form in Unifrog
- Help video – Parents – Unifrog placement tool overview
- Other information for parents:
- Employers Liability Insurance – information guide
Work Experience Opportunities
Rolls Royce
Work experience opportunities are posted on their website:
Some students have been successful in securing placements arranged through personal contacts. We do not have any other direct contact information for placements.
University Hospitals of Derby & Burton
The application process for work experience placements is outlined on the UHDB website:
Student should complete this process and if successful, provide the placement details via the online form.
Student should email if applying for a placement at UHDB so that we are aware of their application.