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Littleover Community School

Information for Parents

This page contains useful information pertaining to the current school year.

Many of the files available here are generally a breakdown of the Information for Parents Letter which is given to all students in September.

Click a section below to view more information.

Absence Requests

Students requiring a leave of absence in exceptional circumstances must submit a request form. Unauthorised absences may incur a fine.

Please see the information included in the form and also the school attendance policy for more information.

You can download a copy of the absence request form below.


Appointments During the School Day

Students in Years 7-11

Parents are required to submit a form should they need to take their child out of school during the School Day. A copy of this form can be downloaded below.

Students should then bring the form to school on the morning of their appointment. The form needs to be signed by their form tutor. Students should keep the form with them until the time they need to leave their lesson and must show it to their teacher to enable them to leave class. Students should then make their way to Student Services to sign out, where they will have to produce the form again before coming to Reception for their parent to collect them.  

If the appointment time means that they won’t be in school first thing on the morning of their appointment, they should get the form signed by their Form Tutor and take the form to Student Services the day before their appointment so that a note can be made in the school diary.

All students leaving school during the day must sign out from our Student Services Office and sign in upon their return.

Sixth Form Students

Please visit the Sixth Form > Information for Students page.

Assessment Schedules

LCS students are assessed regularly throughout the year. Below are the assessment schedules for the current school year.

Below is a document showing how Key Stage 3 grades are derived.

Charging for Activities

Whilst we are reluctant to charge for any activity at LCS, it is our policy to charge for certain activities.

A copy of the policy can be found in the Policies Section

Computer and Internet Use

Responsible Internet Use

Users of computers and the Internet at LCS must do so responsibly. Below outlines a list of rules for responsible Internet and computer use at LCS.

Rules for Responsible I.T. Systems Use

The school computer system provides Internet access for students and staff.

This Responsible IT Use statement is designed to protect students, staff and the school by stating clearly what is acceptable and what is not.

  • Access may only be made via the user’s authorised account and password, which must not be disclosed to any other person.
  • School computers and the Internet use must be appropriate to the student’s education or to staff professional activity.
  • Details of any unsuitable website must be reported, at once, to the Network Manager (Mr. Varley).
  • Copyright and intellectual property rights must be respected. Plagiarism is prohibited.
  • Users are responsible for e-mail they send and for contracts made.  Messages from students to outside agencies must be checked by a teacher before sending.  E-mail messages should be polite and carefully written and only used for school related business.
  • Users should not give out personal details over the Internet.  Remember: You cannot be certain who is reading your messages.
  • Use of the Internet to bully or harass anyone (inside or outside school) is strictly forbidden.
  • The use of public chat rooms or social networking sites is not allowed.
  • The school’s IT systems may not be used for private purposes, unless the Headteacher has given permission for that use.
  • Use for personal financial gain, gambling, political purposes or advertising is forbidden.
  • Personal commercial transactions (buying and selling) on the Internet are strictly prohibited.
  • The security of the school’s ICT systems must not be compromised.
  • The use of any computer system in school is monitored at all times by software which records and logs inappropriate use of the systems.

Irresponsible use may result in the loss of Internet access and other disciplinary sanctions. Gross abuse of Internet use e.g. for personal gain or to access pornographic material will result in serious disciplinary procedures, which may include exclusion/dismissal.

Data Protection

Equality Objectives



You can find the school E-Safety Policy via Parents > School Rules and Policies > Policies.

As social media becomes increasingly part of our everyday lives, we are wanting to provide information to our students and parents. Please find below a useful link that Derby City Council have provided. This gives some very useful information to assist parents in keeping their children safe online.

The following posters provide a series of useful information for parents regarding a wide range of online activity:

The Key have multiple online guides for parents and carers on how to set up parental controls on different devices, along with many online safety factsheets.

Various information about e-safety can be found at InternetMatters.org

The NSPCC have provided the following information to help with e-safety.

Childnet and the UK Safer Internet Centre have provided various resources regarding online safety, see below:

The document below discusses Social Media and is provided by UK Council for Child Internet Safety (UKCCIS).

The following information has been provided by 'Safe and Sound', an organisation who work to end child sexual exploitation.

This information advises young people and parents on how to use Security/Privacy settings with major Social Network sites; there is also information from CEOP on how to report on-line abuse.

Please also see the website produced by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP):

The Children's Society has made the following information available regarding Child Exploitation Online.

The Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) has guidance regarding with online "trolling" and hate speech.

Prevent have issued this guide to protecting children from online hate, extremism and fake news:

Skips Education have issued the following document with lots of information for parents regarding online safety.

Further information and advice on Internet Safety can be found in your child's Student Planner.

Exam Information

Information relating to exams can be found on the Exam Information Page.

Free School Meals

If your child is eligible for 'free school meals' and you register them for this, the school will receive extra funding called 'pupil premium'. We use this extra money to improve the educational provision and resources at the school. Please read the letter below to find out more.

You can Download the Free School Meal Application Form below, or if you don't have access to a printer, fill in the online form https://tinyurl.com/LCS-FSMFormRequest and a Free School Meal Application Form will be posted to you.

Fundamental British Values

Information regarding the teaching of fundamental British values can be found in the School Curriculum documentation.

General Safety

The information below is designed to help with general safety of LCS students.

Useful resources:

www.saferderbycity.org has useful information for both parents and students covering a wide range of safety-related subjects.

The Children's Society - Look Closer Campaign has useful about child exploitation and how to spot the signs of a child being exploited.

Knife Crime

Knife Crime

Beach Safety

Beach Safety

Railway Safety

Rail Safety

Getting to and from School

Please see below for useful information about the journey to school.

Bus Transport

Information last updated: 10/03/2023

07.55 Normanton Road (opposite Pak Foods)
08.00 Mill Hill Lane/Swinburne Street
08.05 Carlton Road/Fairfield Road
- Direct to School via Burton Rd/Littleover Village


15.30 LCS Turning Circle
- Carlton Road/Fairfield Road
- Mill Hill Lane/Swinburne Street
- Normanton Road (opposite Pak Foods)


The school buses operate as a pay as you ride service.

£1.50 for the morning journey

£1.50 for the afternoon journey

Buses Provided by:

Harpurs Coaches Ltd.
Unit 2 Wincanton Close
DE24 8NB
Tel: 01332 757677

Information for Parents Bringing Students to School by Car

The road outside the main school gate on Pastures Hill is very dangerous. The speed limit is 30mph. Traffic moves very fast and, during the start and finish of school, it is very busy. We value our students’ safety and expect parents to do so, too.

If you, or a relative, drop off or collect a child from school, please make sure these rules are obeyed.

  • DO NOT bring cars onto the school premises.
  • DO NOT drop off or pick up your child on the opposite side of Pastures Hill from the school.
  • DO NOT perform a U-turn in the school entrance or anywhere on Pastures Hill.
  • DO NOT park on the yellow zigzag lines on either side of the school entrance.
  • If travelling down Pastures Hill, from the direction of Littleover Village, drive past the school entrance and turn round at the first Heatherton roundabout, to drop your child safely on the correct side of the road, well away from the entrance to the school.
  • Ensure that your child only crosses Pastures Hill at the light controlled crossing by Swanmore Road.

The safety of all our students MUST be our first priority.

Free School Transport

Some students may be eligible for free transport to and from school. Please see the letter below for more information.

Parents must apply/renew Home to School Transport Assistance (HtSTA) requests each academic year.

For more information, please see Derby City Council - Schools - Transport.



Go4Schools is a website which can be used by LCS staff, students and their parents to track student progress throughout the school

You can navigate to the Go4Schools site by clicking the folliwing link:

Go4Schools Help

Setting Up Go4Schools Access

A guide to setting up Go4Schools access can be downloaded below:

The Go4Schools Mobile App

A guide to setting up the Go4Schools mobile app can be downloaded below:

Homework at LCS

LCS believes in regular homework to supplement work in lessons.

At Littleover, we place great importance on homework and hope that parents will support their children as necessary to ensure that homework is completed on time and to the best of their ability.

How do I find out what homework has been set?

Details of all your child’s homework and deadlines will be on Go4Schools. From September 2018, we are no longer expecting students to write their homework in their planner. We are still providing a planner so that students can make additional notes if required. Parents are no longer required to sign the planner weekly.

However, we do ask that parents log onto Go4Schools regularly in order to see the homework that has been set, plus details of positive and negative behaviour points, levels or grades achieved on assessments and tests, your child’s attendance and school reports.

Students are given a homework timetable on the first day of term, which should be written in their planner.

Below are copies of the homework timetables and related information for each year group.

Homework Timetables

Amount and Nature of Homework

Key Stage 3
Key Stage 4
Key Stage 5
  • In the Sixth Form, it is expected that students are set homework by both teachers each week. The length of this homework may vary depending on the topic being studied and the demands of different aspects of the course, but should average out at 4 hours per subject per week. Students should be completing A-level style and difficulty questions throughout the course.

Questions and feedback regarding amount of Homework

If you are concerned, at any stage in the year, that your child is getting too little or too much homework please contact Mrs Bunting at school.

We monitor and review our homework setting and assessments on a regular basis and we would welcome your views on this aspect of our work.


LCS Lockers

All students have the opportunity to use a school locker for the duration of their time at LCS.

The cost of the locker is £6 of which £2 is refundable once the locker is no longer in use and the key is returned.

You will be able to purchase this via our online payments system, alongside school meals, trips, visits etc. 

If keys are lost the cost of a replacement can be obtained for £3.50.

Prices subject to change. Information correct as of 25/04/2021.

Lunch Menu

LCS provides a variety of healthy food options for students to eat at lunch times.

The menu operates on a 3-week rotation, details of which can be found below:

Medical Issues

Some medical issues require students to be kept at home so as to prevent the spreading of infections/illnesses.

Information and advice provided by Derby City Council relating to common illnesses and infections can be found below:

Medication in School

Parents are required to complete a consent form to allow medication to be administered in school.

A copy of the form can be downloaded below.

Parental Surveys

Parents Evenings

Payments to School

Biometric Payment System for School Meals

We operate a biometric payment system for school meal payments which uses the latest finger recognition technology. This system means that students no longer need to carry a card.  Instead a scan of their finger will be taken.

To enable this technology to be introduced, we will require certain points of a finger image to be recorded as a short string of encrypted numbers.  A full image of a finger is never recorded. Typically between ten and sixty points will be recorded depending on the characteristics of the finger. This is too few to provide enough detail for the original print to be reconstructed.  However, it will provide a template for the student to be recognised by placing their finger on a scanner each time a payment is to be made.

This biometric payment system offers greater security to student payments as well as reducing the need to replace lost cards.  This has been the experience of other schools which have been using the system for many years.

The template of student fingers is taken on one of the Year 6 Induction Days.

Students entitled to free meals will have their account credited to the value of a standard meal each day.

Students will not be required to bring money to pay for lunches on the Induction Days, they will be offered the chance to try a school meal, or bring sandwiches, if they prefer.  There will be no charge for these meals.

ParentPay – Parent Payment Portal

The school operates a ParentPay online payments system for parents.  This will enable parents to pay money online to cover for trips, visits, school meals etc.  Year 6 parents will receive information and a password before the start of term on how to pay monies using the ParentPay payment portal.

ParentPay is a safe and secure payments system and we would encourage all parents to use this facility, once they have received their password.

For more information, please see the ParentPay Help page.



When writing and agreeing policies, the School and Governing Board carefully consider and analyse the impact of the policy on equality and the possible implications for students and/or staff with protected characteristics, as part our commitment to meet the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) requirement to have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations.

You can download copies of School Policy documents below:

Please be aware that some school policies are currently under review, after the UK's departure from the EU on 1st January 2021

Pupil Premium

Littleover Community School adheres to the guidelines of The School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012 in regard to the publishing of specified information.

Information regarding the Pupil Premium can found below:

Religious Observance

Parents of students requiring absence for religious observance must fill in a form in advance of the event.

Please be aware that we can only authorise one day of absence for religious observance. In the case of Eid, should this fall on a different day to that requested, we will honour as long as only one day is taken.

School Brochure (inc. Admission Arrangements)

School Brochure

The LCS Brochure is now online, you can access it by clicking the following link.

School Trips

Information pertaining to each school trip will be sent out to parents via email.

Please read the information carefully to ensure that students bring the correct equipment, clothing and medications.

School Trip Updates

As of September 2023, school trip updates will now be available via our LCS Trips Facebook page.


Special Educational Needs

SEND information has now been moved to its own page.

Student Campaigns

From time to time students will campaign for issues that matter to them and by allowing this and the publication thereof should not be taken as views expressed by the school or the governing body.

Term Dates

Term Dates

A list of Term Dates for the upcoming school years can be downloaded below.

Please Note: Holidays During Term-time

These dates will enable you to plan your holidays during the official school holiday periods.  Absence for holidays during term-time WILL NOT be authorised.

Students who take unauthorised holidays in term-time will be liable to a fine and may lose their place at LCS.

The School Day

Each day has five periods, Tutor time, morning break and lunchtime.

Time Event
8.40am–9.00am Tutor Time, Registration and Assemblies
9.00am–10.00am Period 1 Lesson
10.00am–11.00am Period 2 Lesson
11.00am–11.20am Break
11.20am–12.20pm Period 3 Lesson
12.20pm–1.20pm Period 4 Lesson
1.20pm–2.00pm Lunch
2.00pm–3.00pm Period 5 Lesson
Total: 31hrs 40 mins per week

LCS operates a ‘Week A’ and ‘Week B’ timetable. Students receive their timetable on their first morning at school. Once students have started school, there is more information on the Go4Schools website, which has student timetables, homework information and more.

Outside of the timetable, there are a variety of clubs and activities for students to take part in before and after school. More information can be found at Students > Clubs and Activities.

Uniform/Dress Code

School Dress Code

Our uniform helps students to look smart and professional for school.  We ask parents and carers to support our dress code.

Full details of the uniform/dress code can be found in the Uniform Policy below:

  • Adobe PDF Document Uniform Policy - Note: From September 2024, PE tracksuit bottoms and shorts are changing from navy blue to black.

Year 9 Options

In Year 9, students must make choices about which subjects they wish to study at Key Stage 4.

Information to aid students in making their choices and the Course Choices form will be made available here at the relevant time during the school year.

Year 11 - Important Information for Students and their Parents

Information Booklet

You can download a booklet full of useful information about Year 11 below:

Subject-based Help


College and 6th Form Open Events

An up to date list of Post-16 events can be found on the Careers Site.