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Littleover Community School

Safeguarding and Wellbeing


Welcome to Safeguarding at LCS. This page aims to be a portal for all information relating to the safety of LCS Students.

If you have an issue with regards to wellbeing, please see our Wellbeing Page for useful information.

Report an Issue

Please report any LCS related safeguarding concerns one of the methods below:

LCS safeguarding staff will continue to monitor for safeguarding reports and concerns during school holidays.

However, if for some reason you are unable to contact school and have an urgent issue, you can report your concerns via the organisations below:

  • If you are concerned that a child is suffering or at risk of significant harm call Social Care at First Contact Team - 01332 641172  Press Option 1
  • Call the Police on 999
  • Derby City Care Line is the out-of-hours emergency social work service for people living in or visiting Derby.
    • Monday to Friday from 5pm to 9am
    • on weekends and Bank Holidays - 24 hours a day.
    • Contact the careline via telephone on: 01332 956606
  • CEOPAre you worried about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating online?
    Make a report to one of CEOPs Child Protection Advisors
  • Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children PartnershipDerby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Partnership
    This site provides important safeguarding information for the public, children, young people, parents and carers.

Safeguarding Concerns about a Member of LCS Staff

If you have concerns about a member of school staff that you would prefer not to discuss with the Headteacher, please email the Chair of Governors.

Safeguarding and Wellbeing during the Coronavirus Outbreak

Below are some useful Safeguarding and Wellbeing resources to help parents and students during the coronavirus outbreak

Theme Source Message Link:
Online Safety Traci Good, Director of E Safety Training Ltd

Youtube Videos

A series of YouTube clips aimed at parents to remind them of the importance of engaging with their child/s online lives during this time of school closures.

The link to the first clip is https://youtu.be/BhLWwQ4Ay5s

Online Safety - cybercrime Derby City Council Newsroom

Protect yourself from scams during the coronavirus outbreak

Advice from the Trading Standards team to help people be aware of a number of scams related to the coronavirus that have come to light and to stay safe.

Online Safety Think U Know (CEOP)


This page has been created to support parents during Covid-19 and the closure of schools.

Each fortnight, new home activity packs will be released with simple 15 minute activities you can do with your child to support their online safety at home.

Online Safety Activities - Ages 11-13

Online Safety Activities - Ages 14+



See, Hear, Respond - Barnardos

See Hear Respond is a partnership to help children, young people and families cope with the Covid-19 crisis.

See, Hear, Respond - Barnardos
Mental Health and  Well-being Childline

Childline: New coronavirus webpage

Childline has created a new webpage with information for children and young people about coronavirus. The page includes information about: what coronavirus is; where children and young people can find help if they are worried; coping if they are staying at home; and what to do if they are feeling unwell.

Mental Health and  Well-being CRUSE

An extensive list of local support agencies supporting Mental Health and Well-being

Local Support Agencies List
Mental Health and  Well-being CBBC Newsround

Coronavirus resources for children and young people.

CBBC Newsround have produced a range of resources, including videos and advice, for children and young people who might be worried about coronavirus.

Mental Health and  Well-being The Children's Society

The Children's Society has a range of support materials for young people, parents and schools in their mental and emotional health resource 'vault' including:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression and Mood
  • Loneliness
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder
  • Phobias
  • Self care
  • Emotional resilience
  • Mental Resilience
Mental Health and  Well-being NHS Joined Up Care Derbyshire

Mental Health Support for Children, Young People, Parents and Carers during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Mental Health and  Well-being (Grief) Winston's Wish

Grief and Bereavement Support from Winston's Wish

Winston's Wish is a charity set up to support children and young people who are grieving the loss of a loved one.

They offer advice, resources, activities and publications which families may find useful.

Winston's Wish have recently added to their website to offer more advice for people during the Covid-19 outbreak. Amongst other supportive sections, their resources include advice on how to manage grief in self-isolation and how to say goodbye when a funeral isn't possible.

Domestic Abuse The Home Office

UK Government Scheme

Ask for "ANI" in selected pharmacies to get support from trained staff.

Domestic Abuse The Home Office

UK Government Guidance

Government Guidance for victims of domestic abuse during ithe COVID-19 outbreak.

Mental Health and  Well-being Inspirative Arts

The Carers Project - Inspirative Arts

Remote support to parents/carers.

Mental Health and  Well-being Inspirative Arts

Dance and Wellbeing Sessions - Inspirative Arts

Sessions aimed at improving wellbeing for parents with mental health problems and their children.

Mental Health and  Well-being Inspirative Arts

The Rainbow Project - Inspirative Arts

Various useful information to help with coping for those struggling with Social Isolation and Shielding, Loneliness, Disabilities.

Mental Health and  Well-being LCS

Winter Wellbeing

LCS has produced the follwoing poster with advice for anyone struggling during the winter.

Wellbeing during COVID outbreak - Derby City Council

Child Protection Policy

The LCS Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy can be found in the Policies section of the website.

Safeguarding and Wellbeing Staff

The Safeguarding and Wellbeing department consists of the following staff:

Miss L. Jenkins Ms L. Boulton
Miss L. Jenkins
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
Ms L. Boulton
Assistant Designated Safeguarding Lead (ADSL)
Wellbeing Coaches
  • Miss Vale
  • Mrs Capill
  • Mr Bould


Where can i get support outside of school?

If you feel you need some help and need someone to talk to outside of school, the following organisations are there to help:

Childline Logo

For support and advice about mental health, Childline can offer:

  • Information and advice
  • Support
  • Messageboards

Contact via:

Female Genital Mutilation

For support and advice about Female Genital Mutilation:

Contact via:

Gov.uk Logo
Forced Marriage Unit

For support and advice about Forced Marriage.

Forced Marriage is a crime.

Contact via:


Young person's drug and alcohol service

For support and advice about Drugs and Alcohol:

Contact via:

Stop It Now! - Helping Prevent Child Sexual Abuse
Stop It Now! - Helping Prevent Child Sexual Abuse

The Lucy Faithfull Foundation - Helping to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse

Safeguarding Information for Parents

If you feel you need some help and need someone to talk to outside of school, the following organisations are there to help:

Derbyshire Police - County Lines

Any child is vulnerable to being exploited by county lines drug gangs and the consequences of their involvement can be tragic.

It’s vital that parents and carers know the signs that a child in their care could be involved in county lines drug dealing and what to do if they think that they are.

The attached leaflet gives parents and guardians valuable tips, information and signposting to support in relation to the issue of county lines.

Derbyshire Safeguarding Adults Board

In support of National Safeguarding Adult Week 2020, we’re excited to let you know that the Derbyshire Safeguarding Adults Board has officially launched its new animated film about safeguarding adults –‘Identifying and Reporting Abuse and Neglect’


Net Angel


Online guides for parents by parents with respect to online services that children use regularly.

General Safety

The information below is designed to help with general safety of LCS students.

Useful resources:

www.saferderbycity.org has useful information for both parents and students covering a wide range of safety-related subjects.

The Children's Society - Look Closer Campaign has useful about child exploitation and how to spot the signs of a child being exploited.

Knife Crime

Knife Crime

Beach Safety

Beach Safety

Railway Safety

Rail Safety



You can find the school E-Safety Policy via Parents > School Rules and Policies > Policies.

As social media becomes increasingly part of our everyday lives, we are wanting to provide information to our students and parents. Please find below a useful link that Derby City Council have provided. This gives some very useful information to assist parents in keeping their children safe online.

The following posters provide a series of useful information for parents regarding a wide range of online activity:

The Key have multiple online guides for parents and carers on how to set up parental controls on different devices, along with many online safety factsheets.

Various information about e-safety can be found at InternetMatters.org

The NSPCC have provided the following information to help with e-safety.

Childnet and the UK Safer Internet Centre have provided various resources regarding online safety, see below:

The document below discusses Social Media and is provided by UK Council for Child Internet Safety (UKCCIS).

The following information has been provided by 'Safe and Sound', an organisation who work to end child sexual exploitation.

This information advises young people and parents on how to use Security/Privacy settings with major Social Network sites; there is also information from CEOP on how to report on-line abuse.

Please also see the website produced by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP):

The Children's Society has made the following information available regarding Child Exploitation Online.

The Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) has guidance regarding with online "trolling" and hate speech.

Prevent have issued this guide to protecting children from online hate, extremism and fake news:

Skips Education have issued the following document with lots of information for parents regarding online safety.

Further information and advice on Internet Safety can be found in your child's Student Planner.