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Littleover Community School


The ‘Special educational needs and disability code of practice: 0 to 25 years’ (2014) states that “A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her.”

At Littleover Community School (LCS) we believe that all students should be valued equally and must be given every opportunity to achieve their potential, both academically and socially. Through the school’s SEND Policy we actively seek to identify and remove barriers to learning and achieve inclusion within the school community. We consider ourselves to be a caring learning environment where students with SEND are inspired to develop high aspirations and independence to help them address and cope with future challenges.


SEND Provision

Provisions are tailored to the individual student using the Assess-Plan-Do-Review model.

Learning Support provisions include the following:

  • Access to a balanced and broadly based curriculum, as specified by the ‘National curriculum in England: framework for key stages 1 to 4’ (2014), with the support of class teachers and subject teachers providing relevant differentiation
  • Each student with SEND has a designated Key Worker who will update with the student their Pupil Centred Plan (PCP) and identify with them targets that they will review together each term - where possible the Key Worker will remain with the student throughout the student’s time at LCS
  • Alternative interventions and learning resources for specific student’s needs
  • One-to-one sessions that are specific to an individual student’s needs with a focus on English, Maths and social skills
  • In-class support with Teaching Assistants where relevant
  • Lunchtime Clubs that help promote social and communication skills (including a Games Club, Craft Club, Martial Arts Club and Table Tennis Club)
  • Homework Clubs at lunchtime supported by Teaching Assistants
  • Nurture Groups
  • Meet & Greet sessions before school starts for specific students
  • Physio sessions for specific students
  • Study Support sessions across KS3 and KS4 that focus upon reading, writing and maths
  • Year 7 Reading Groups
  • After-school Lexia programme for Years 7 to 9
  • After-school ConquerMaths programme for Years 7 to 9
  • Typing Club programme for all year groups
  • Peer Mentoring
  • Maths and English GCSE Booster Groups
  • Identification of Exam Concessions
  • Relevant support with Exam Concessions (including readers and scribes)
  • Phased Transition Programme for both KS2 to KS3 and KS4 to KS5

Learning Support Lunchtime Clubs (1:20-1:50pm)

Note that times may vary at present due to Covid and if there are exams taking place not all clubs will be open.

Room Club Years Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
K1 Homework 10-11 Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick
B11 Games 9 Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick
B12 7-8 Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick
K2 9-10 Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick
K4 Chatterbox 7-9 Tick Tick   Tick
Craft Tick Tick  
D7 Homework 7-9 Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick
D8 Homework 7-9 Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick

Learning Support After-School Clubs (3:00-4:00pm)


  1. Some of these clubs are invitation only.
  2. All clubs start at 3:00pm and end at 4:00pm.
  3. If your child is unable to attend a single session please phone the school beforehand on 01332 513219, or email send@littleover.derby.sch.uk, so no concerns of a child’s absence are raised.  











Invitation Only


Years 8 & 9

Years 8 & 9





Year 7







Year 7






Year 7

Years 8 & 9

Years 8 & 9






Year 7






Years 7-11



Dance Studio

Table Tennis


Years 7-9







Years 7-10








Years 7-10


Years 7-10





Years 7-10



D23 Dungeons and Dragons 7-9       Years 7-9  

Further Information



Derby's SEND Local Offer

The ‘Local Offer’ is information about services and support that Derby City Council provide for parents, carers and young people.


Derby's Graduated Response - Information for parents and carers

This Derby City Council leaflet tells you all about the support that you and a child or young person can expect to receive if a child or young person needs more help to reach their full potential. The Graduated Response is Derby City Council’s approach to improving the support and outcomes for children and young people aged 0-25 years who have, or may have, SEND.

DCC Schools Portal - Graduated Response Leaflet for Parents.


Derby's Travel Assistance

Derby City Council offer Travel Assistance to school for some students with Special Educational Needs (SEN). This link will provide you with further information of who qualifies and how to apply.

DCC - Special Educational Needs - Transport

Derbyshire’s Local Offer

The ‘Local Offer’ is information about services and support Derbyshire County Council provide for parents, carers and young people.


Derbyshire Information, Advice and Support Service (DIASS)

They provide independent information, advice and support to children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), as well as their parents and carers.


Children's mental health services (CAMHS) - Derby and Southern Derbyshire

NHS Derbyshire Healthcare specialists in child and adolescent mental health who support children, young people and their families/carers, in Derby City and South Derbyshire.


A UK charity for people on the autism spectrum and their families. They providing support, guidance and advice.


Autism East Midlands was started on the initiative of a group of parents in 1968; the organisation is still led by the parents and friends of autistic people. They provide help and support to families and individuals affected by autism from across Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, surrounding counties and beyond.


DCC SEND Provision

Derby City Council have released the following information related to SEND School provision.

Contact Us

If you require further information about SEND provision at LCS, please contact our SEND Co-ordinator at send@littleover.derby.sch.uk.