LCS Sixth Form Applications
Contact with any queries.
Enrolment 2024
Enrolment has now closed for 24/25 cohort. If successful you will have received a confirmation email dated 27th August.
Applying for places at Sixth Form
Littleover Community School Sixth Form offers a wide range of AS and A Level courses. We aim to recruit approximately 175 students into Year 12 and we welcome applications from other schools. In a typical year approximately 60 students will be from schools other than Littleover Community School and all applications are considered on an equal basis.
Applications should be made via our online application form that is available on the school website. Applications open after the Sixth Form Open Evening in mid-October and close at the end of the first week in December.
The minimum entry criteria for Littleover Community School Sixth Form is Maths and English Language graded 5 or above and at least 3 other GCSE's graded 5 or above (in addition to the specific entrance requirements for each subject chosen as an A level which is available in the prospectus). However, the vast majority of students who receive offers will achieve 8 or more 9-5 grades with 9-6 in the subjects they wish to study at A Level. Where students plan to study subjects that they have not studied at GCSE level it is expected that they achieve grade 9-6 in subjects that have a similar skills set. Students wishing to study Further Maths must have an 8 or 9 in GCSE Maths and students wishing to study Maths must be graded 7-9 in GCSE Maths. Students who wish to study A level Physics, Chemistry or Physics must have a grade 9-6 in GCSE Maths as well as in the relevant science GCSE.
Students joining us from schools other than Littleover will be required to provide evidence of their GCSE grades in the form of GCSE certificates or official results notification documents from the school where they sat their GCSEs. Places in the 6th Form will only be confirmed once this evidence has been received and students who fail to declare their GCSE results accurately will be removed from roll.
More information can be found in the LCS Sixth Form Prospectus and other areas under the "Sixth Form" heading.
Please note that if the number of applications who meet the entry criteria outlined above exceeds the number of 6th Form places that we have available then the quality of personal statements on the application forms will be used to determine which candidates receive offers.
Sixth Form Open Evening
The LCS Sixth Form Open Evening was held on Thursday 26th October.
A copy of the presentation from the LCS Sixth Form Open Evening can be downloaded below:
Option Blocks
Below is a document outlining the A Level option blocks in order to help students make their subject choices.
Application Form
The deadline for applications for 2024 entry was 4pm on Friday 1st December. Applications are now closed.
Many thanks,
Mr R Archer (Head of Sixth Form)