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Littleover Community School

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Job Vacancy: Cleaner in Charge (PM)

Posted 13th June 2024

Job Vacancy: Cleaner in Charge (PM)

LCS has a vacancy for the position of: Cleaner in Charge (PM).

For more information please see the Job Vacancies Page.

Job Vacancy: Cleaner in Charge (PM)

Posted 5th July 2024

Job Vacancy: Cleaner in Charge (PM)

LCS has a vacancy for the position of: Cleaner in Charge (PM).

For more information please see the Job Vacancies Page.

Eid - June 2024

Posted 11th June 2024

Students wishing to observe the upcoming Eid celebration during the school week will need a parent or carer fill in a Religious Observance form on their behalf.

We can only authorise ONE day of absence for Religious Observance, any subsequent days will be unauthorised, without medical evidence.

If the Religious Observance falls on Sunday the 16th of June 2024, we will expect all students in school on Monday the 17th of June 2024. If the Religious Observance falls on Monday the 17th of June 2024, then we will allow one day authorised absence for Religious Observance, upon completion of this form. We would then expect to see all students in school on Tuesday the 18th of June 2024.

Also, should your child be in Year 11/12/13 and should they have an exam, irrespective on when the Religious Observance falls, they will be expected to attend the exam.

Parents and Carers should check their emails for a link to the form.

Job Vacancy: Teaching Assistant

Posted 10th June 2024

Job Vacancy: Teaching Assistant

LCS has a vacancy for the position of: Teaching Assistant.

For more information please see the Job Vacancies Page.

Job Vacancy: Teacher of Maths (Maternity Cover)

Posted 6th June 2024

Job Vacancy: Teacher of Maths (Maternity Cover)

LCS has a vacancy for the position of: Teacher of Maths (Maternity Cover).

For more information please see the Job Vacancies Page.

Mrs Middleton's Bench

Posted 20th May 2024

Mrs Middleton's Bench

On Friday 17th May, Mrs Middleton's husband, daughters and sister visited school to officially open our new bench, funded by student and parent/carer donations from our Christmas Jumper Day in December. The bench has been sited close to Mrs Middleton's classroom, in L3.

Mrs Middleton's family have asked me to pass on their gratitude to any students, parents and carers who made a donation towards the bench, in memory of Mrs Middleton.

The area where the bench is sited is designed to be used by students and staff, during break and lunch times.

Thank you to everyone who has helped make this project happen.

J. Wilding

Update from Mr Wilding - 9th May 2024

Posted 9th May 2024

Mr Wilding has sent an update to parents and carers regarding exams, attendance guidance, social media use and the PE kit colour changes starting in September.

To all parents/carers

Good afternoon, from LCS

I hope my latest update finds you well and enjoying the improved weather. I have a few important updates and notices for you again today, which I hope you will find useful.


Our Year 11 and Year 13 students have already started their formal A Level and GCSE exams in several subjects. From today, the main period of GCSE and A Level exams will begin, and will continue until mid-June. All students in Year 11 and Year 13 have been informed of the dates and times of their exams, as well as arrangements for Study Leave and Revision Lessons.

I am sure you will join me in wishing all our students the best of luck in their exams.

Attendance guidance changes

In one of my previous email updates, I mentioned national changes to school attendance guidance, which will be coming into force from September 2024.
From September, fines charged to parents for unauthorised school absence will rise from £60 to £80, or £160 if not paid within 21 days. Schools decide whether to issue fines, but councils administer them. From September, only two fines can be issued to the same parent for the same child within a three-year rolling period. Any second notice will automatically be charged at £160. New "notices to improve" will also be the "final opportunity for a parent to engage in support and improve attendance before a penalty notice is issued".

The second significant change will be that, from September, schools will have to consider a fine if a student misses 10 sessions (half days) of unauthorised absence in a rolling period of 10 school weeks. The threshold can be met with "any combination of unauthorised absence". For example, four sessions in term time plus six instances of arriving late, after the register has closed. The period of 10 weeks can also span "different terms or school years". Councils will "retain the discretion to issue one before the threshold is met". This could include where parents "are deliberately avoiding the national threshold by taking several term time holidays below threshold, or for repeated absence for birthdays or other family events".

To help families with planning of holidays, LCS term dates are always published well in advance and can be found on our school website at the link below:

This information has recently been updated, to include dates of INSET Days for the next academic year. For the remainder of this school year, our May half-term holiday is from Monday 27th to Friday 31st May and Summer Term ends on Tuesday 23rd July.

Any request for authorised leave from parents/carers must be made in writing, as per our school Attendance Policy. Authorisation will only be granted in 'exceptional circumstances', meaning that any leave could clearly not have been taken at any other time, including during school holidays.

Social media

Students' use of social media continues to be a significant issue in school, in particular with students in Years 7, Year 8 and Year 9, where it continues to be a regular factor in issues of abusive language and/or bullying. Incidents we are dealing with include abusive messages being posted on social media sites, as well as inappropriate or insulting images. I would respectfully continue to ask parents/carers who choose to allow their children access to social media apps to monitor their use of these, to help us reduce the number of issues we then have to deal with in school and the number of students involved.

Important safeguarding information, including parental safety guides to all the major social media sites, can be found on our school website at the link below:

PE colours – reminder

In a previous update, I informed parents/carers of changes to our PE colours, with effect from start of Autumn Term, in September. The colour of our PE shorts/PE trousers will change from Blue to Black, from the start of Autumn Term.

As these items do not need to carry the school logo, they can be purchased from various outlets, at a relatively low price.

No other aspects of school uniform are changing in September, and students can continue to wear the current PE tops/T shirts, as these are already in the Red/Black colours, in line with our school logo.

Thank you, as always, for your continued support of our school, our students and our staff. I plan to send another update soon, hopefully just before the half-term holiday.

Keep safe.

J. Wilding

Job Vacancy: Teaching Assistant

Posted 9th May 2024

Job Vacancy: Teaching Assistant

LCS has a vacancy for the position of: Teaching Assistant.

For more information please see the Job Vacancies Page.

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